The Secret Of A Healthy Prostate
The power of pomegranates
The pomegranate (Punica granatum) is a mainstay of naturopathic medicine. There are records that indicate the ancient Egyptians were aware of its benefits. Archaeologists discovered glass pomegranate jars buried in their tombs.
Today pomegranates are familiar all over the world. The delicious kernels are combined with salads and side dishes or pressed into a refreshing juice. But the “fruit of the gods” shines above all because of its healing effects – potassium, vitamins C and E, zinc and iron are just a few of the many healthy elements contained in this fruit.
Pomegranates have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and help improve blood circulation. The polyphenols – plant-based micronutrients packed with antioxidants – play an important role in this process.
How Prostaphytol capsules work

The polyphenols from the pomegranate dock onto the inner walls of the prostate where they activate their anti-inflammatory effects become active. When the prostate returns to a normal size range, you will feel relief from many of the symptoms you are experiencing.
This includes: constant urge to urinate, painful urination, erectile dysfunction and other prostate related complaints. Polyphenols provide a natural solution to a common problem.
In many cases, the anti-inflammatory effect of the polyphenols is noticeable after just a few days. Some men report a return to normal urination in just a couple of weeks.
Get a grip on problems
As we age, the likelihood of having to deal with stubborn prostate problems increases dramatically and in alarming numbers. Constant urge to urinate, painful urination, and erectile dysfunction are common symptoms.
Over 50% of the male population aged 50 and over are affected. For many men, prostate issues are one of the most uncomfortable topics of conversation.
The journey from first signs to initial diagnosis through treatment can be physically and psychologically painful. This often causes a strain on both personal and professional relationships that are difficult to overcome.
Fortunately, there is an answer.
Polyphenols provide a natural solution. In many cases, the anti-inflammatory effect of the polyphenols, found in abundance in Pomegranates, occurs after just a few days. Some men report a reduction in prostate size and return to normal urination function after a couple of weeks.

- ✔ Anti-inflammatory effects
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